Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Bon-bon Progress

Here's the Bon-bon. It's just about finished. It's gone relatively smoothly. A better photo of the finished painting will come soon. This painting is 2x3 feet and is oil on mdf.
We didn't have any photos from the beginning of it but you'll be able to see what we did.
1: This was taken after the drawing was done. At first we penciled and inked it with a Sakura Micron pen, but the gessoed surface ruined the pen. So we finished by oil painting over the pencil lines (see the center of the top half of the wrapper..ever so slightly thicker lines). After the drawing, the white was killed by some ivory black + turpenoid. The bottom and pieces of the top have a grey underpainting.
2: The grey underpainting is farther along.
3: With the underpainting complete, the red glaze was applied.
4: The green glaze went on the top part of the strawberry foil. The first layer of the yellow background was applied. The yellow didn't cover so well over that. (Learning from this, during this stage on the teacup, we tried to leave the area around the cup as clean as possible so that the background color would cover better.. but it was still messy..)
5: Grey seeds were painted back in.
6: Near completion! Another layer on the background yellow; heightened detail, color tweaks in the wrapper, yellow seeds glazed and painted in. The tiniest touches are the only things left to perfect it (but those tiny touches may have a significant impact).

This painting has been very fun to do. Only one main glaze of the red and green nearly finished the painting, thanks to the detailed grey underpainting.

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