Friday, June 12, 2009

Garden part 1

Brett and I have worked our butts off creating this new garden on the south side of the cottage. We did it over a couple of weekends with the help of a rented rototiller. We should be getting more tiki torches. That touch of corniness fits in perfectly here as far as the DIY attitude of this project was concerned....

Our delphinium will bloom soon and our foxglove later on will too. My begonia is doing well, even though I caught a bunny sampling it once. Also that purplish stuff 'Brachycome' behind the ferns is doing great. And because our soil isn't so great here (lots of clay), Nasturnium does very very well. I transplanted the ferns and well, hmm....

Some baby foxglove we've been growing from seed.... they bloom next year... Peonies, snapdragon and japanese iris... And potatoes! :D

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