Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Lana's current palette

Here is my palette--
Not all the colors on here are wet. The swatches on the edges simply give me a consistent place to put the paint. The globs are wet though. I took this after working on the teacup. As for the order, I focused on temperature more so than value, but next time I will make sure each hue goes in consecutive temperature and value if possible. It seems to jump around a lot.

In order to clean the palette, I simply scrape it down a bit, try to make it smooth, but not necessarily take it back down the the wood. This wood was cheap and the veneer has scraped up. So I am looking forward to my next palette. I will probably change the shape of it a little. I was not using medium of any kind on this day, just paint. The paper towel serves as both a cushion for my thumb when I'm holding it (the palette hole marks up my hand :C) and also a quick cleaner for my brushes. Turpenoid gives me a headache, so I am trying to use it as little as possible.

And I definitely learned, since undergrad, that black is a very important paint to use, contrary to black killing color or being too strong.... Black is OK.

By the way, to create your own palette, visit this useful info--William Whitaker's Palette at Concept art Enjoy!

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